Look In 2024
24 WRITING 17841 Pix Mark Twain "Columbia" PixMark Twain "Columbia", care se deschi- de prin rotire, cu design carbon argintiu cu minămare albastră şi un penar potrivit. Mark Twain ball pen in carbon design Mark Twain ball penwith twist mechanism, in a silver carbon designwith a large bluemetal refill, comes in amatching pen case*. Wewill engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1,3 × 14,7 cm | G2,T4 | K 13034 Pix Mark Twain PixMark Twain de înaltă calitate, fabricat din cu- pru, cumecanismde răsucire şi minămare albas- tră. Penarul se potriveşte perfect cu pixul, şi ofe- ră un plusmulţumită designului negru lăcuit. Ball penMark Twain High-qualityMark Twain copper ball penwith twist mechanismand large blue-writing refill that makes a difference. Thematching case convinces with its blac- k-lacquered design. Wewill print your logo on the box. ø 1,1 × 14,6 cm | G3,T3 | K
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