Look In 2024

THE PERFECT PROMOTION TAG 180 LEISURE, SPORTS & GAMES FOOD SAFE ECO 60856 Coş picnic Coş picnic pentru 2 persoane cu tacâmuri din 6 piese, tirbușon, solniţă şi piperniţă şi 2 farfurii din porţelan. Picnic basket Handy picnic basket for 2 peoplewith 6 pieces of cutlery, waiter's knife, salt and pepper shakers and 2 porcela- in plates. We engrave your logo on an aluminium label that we attach to the picnic basket with ametal chain. 30 × 19,2 × 16,5 cm | VM | K 90868 Pandantiv din metal Pandantiv dinmetal cu lănţişor, ideal pentru recla- ma pe coş picnic sau cărucior de cumpărături. Metal pendant Metal pendant with small chain, it can be bran- dedwith laser engraving or digital print. Ide- al for logo on picnic baskets or trolleys. 6 × 0,2 × 3,5 cm | G2,UV | P